Progress & final reports

Alfred Health and the Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee require annual progress reports in order to monitor research.

A final report is also due on the completion of a project or if the research is discontinued before the expected date of completion.

Progress Reports

Researchers are required to submit a progress report for each research project regardless of the progress of the research or whether it has commenced.

Reports are due on the anniversary of ethics approval.  

Ethics approval is ongoing but may lapse if the progress report is not received by the reviewing Ethics Committee.  

Failure of an Alfred Health site to submit a report to Alfred Health may result in the Head of Department being notified. 


The Progress reporting scenarios table may assist in determining which form/s to use.

How to submit

Upload the progress report(s) into Alfred Health's online Ethics Research Administration (ERA) system.

If the project has insurance and a current insurance certificate is not in ERA, upload the current insurance certificate as an amendment in ERA.. 

If there are two Alfred Health sites operating independently of each other, a separate site/RGO form is required for each site.

Satisfactory reports will be acknowledged.

If the progress report is not satisfactory researchers will be informed about subsequent action.

For more instructions on the use of ERA see ERA online submission & review system.

Self Audit Tool

A Self Audit Tool has been designed to help research personnel reflect on their research conduct and comply with guidelines for responsible research conduct. 

Final reports

Final reports are due:

  • On the completion of a project or if the project is discontinued before the expected date of completion
    Upload the final report into the “Progress Reports” tab in ERA and use the “final report” section.
  • If a site is closed but other sites remain open in a multi-site streamlined review project.
    Upload the site final report into ERA with the other progress reports. If this option is not available, the report should be submitted to