Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Publication Details

Mechanical Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome during Extracorporeal Life Support. Research and Practice

Abrams D, Schmidt M, Pham T, Beitler JR, Fan E, Goligher EC, McNamee JJ, Patroniti N, Wilcox ME, Combes A, Ferguson ND, McAuley DF, Pesenti A, Quintel M, Fraser J, Hodgson CL, Hough CL, Mercat A, Mueller T, Pellegrino V, Ranieri VM, Rowan K, Shekar K, Brochard L, Brodie D; International ECMO Network (ECMONet)

(2020), AM J RESP CRIT CARE, 201(5), 514-25

DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201907-1283CI

Clinimetrics: The Intensive Care Unit Mobility Scale

Tipping CJ, Hodgson CL

(2020), J Physiother, 66(4), 271

DOI: 10.1016/j.jphys.2020.06.001

Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations

Thomas P, Baldwin C, Bissett B, Boden I, Gosselink R, Granger CL, Hodgson C, Jones AY, Kho ME, Moses R, Ntoumenopoulos G, Parry SM, Patman S, van der Lee L

(2020), J Physiother, 66(2), 73-82

DOI: 10.1016/j.jphys.2020.03.011

Progressive active mobilization with dose control and training load in critically ill patients (PROMOB): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Queiroz RS, Saquetto MB, Martinez BP, Cazeta BBR, Hodgson C, Gomes-Neto M

(2020), PLoS One, 15(9), e238352

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238352

Survival and functional outcome at hospital discharge following in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA): A prospective multicentre observational study

Pound G, Jones D, Eastwood GM, Paul E, Hodgson CL; ANZ-CODE Investigators

(2020), Resuscitation, 155, 48-54

DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.07.007

A survey of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation practice in 23 Australian adult intensive care units

Linke NJ, Fulcher BJ, Engeler DM, Anderson S, Bailey MJ, Bernard S, Board JV, Brodie D, Buhr H, Burrell AJC, Cooper DJ, Fan E, Fraser JF, Gattas DJ, Higgins AM, Hopper IK, Huckson S, Litton E, McGuinness SP, Nair P, Orford N, Parke RL, Pellegrino VA, Pilcher DV, Sheldrake J, Reddi BAJ, Stub D, Trapani TV, Udy AA, Hodgson CL; EXCEL Investigators

(2020), Crit Care Resusc, 22(2), 166-70

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Early Mobilization in the ICU: A Systematic Review

Lang JK, Paykel MS, Haines KJ, Hodgson CL

(2020), Crit Care Med, 48(11), e1121-8

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004574

Fat embolism syndrome: Experience from an Australian trauma centre

Kirk A, Elliott J, Varma D, Kimmel L

(2020), International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 36, 100746

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijotn.2019.100746

High-Flow Nasal Cannula Compared With Conventional Oxygen Therapy or Noninvasive Ventilation Immediately Postextubation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Granton D, Chaudhuri D, Wang D, Einav S, Helviz Y, Mauri T, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Hodgson CL, Jaber S, Brochard L, Trivedi V, Ricard JD, Goligher EC, Burns KEA, Rochwerg B

(2020), Crit Care Med, 48(11), e1129-e1136

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004576

The perceived barriers and facilitators to implementation of ECMO services in acute hospitals

Fulcher BJ, Nicholson AJ, Linke NJ, Berkovic D, Hodgson CL; EXCEL Study Investigators and the International ECMO Network

(2020), INTENS CARE MED, 46(11), 2115-7

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-020-06187-z

Physical activity for cystic fibrosis: perceptions of people with cystic fibrosis, parents and healthcare professionals

Denford S, Cox NS, Mackintosh KA, McNarry MA, O'Halloran P, Holland AE, Tomlinson OW, Barker AR, Williams CA

(2020), ERJ Open Research, 6(3), 00029-2019

DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00294-2019

Steps Ahead: optimising physical activity in adults with cystic fibrosis: Study Protocol for a pilot randomised trial using wearable technology, goal setting and text message feedback

Curran M, Tierney AC, Collins L, Kennedy L, McDonnell C, Jurascheck AJ, Sheikhi A, Walsh C, Button B, Galvin R, Casserly B, Cahalan R

(2020), HRB Open Research, 3, 21

DOI: 10.12688/hrbopenres.13025.3

Extracorporeal life support for adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome

Combes A, Schmidt M, Hodgson CL, Fan E, Ferguson ND, Fraser JF, Jaber S, Pesenti A, Ranieri M, Rowan K, Shekar K, Slutsky AS, Brodie D

(2020), INTENS CARE MED, 46(12), 2464-76

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-020-06290-1

Moderate Certainty Evidence Suggests the Use of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Does Not Decrease Hypoxia When Compared With Conventional Oxygen Therapy in the Peri-Intubation Period: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Chaudhuri D, Granton D, Wang DX, Einav S, Helviz Y, Mauri T, Ricard JD, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Hodgson C, Jaber S, Brochard L, Burns KEA, Rochwerg B

(2020), Crit Care Med, 48(4), 571-8

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004217

High-Flow Nasal Cannula in the Immediate Postoperative Period: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Chaudhuri D, Granton D, Wang DX, Burns KEA, Helviz Y, Einav S, Trivedi V, Mauri T, Ricard JD, Mancebo J, Frat JP, Jog S, Hernandez G, Maggiore SM, Mbuagbaw L, Hodgson CL, Jaber S, Goligher EC, Brochard L, Rochwerg B

(2020), Chest, 158(5), 1934-46

DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.06.038

Measurement of mobility and physical function in hospitalised trauma patients: a systematic review of instruments and their measurement properties

Calthorpe S, Kimmel LA, Webb MJ, Gabbe BJ, Holland AE

(2020), Trauma, 22(1), 7-17

DOI: 10.1177/146040861987932

Six Lessons for COVID-19 Rehabilitation From HIV Rehabilitation

Brown DA, O'Brien KK, Josh J, Nixon SA, Hanass-Hancock J, Galantino M, Myezwa H, Fillipas S, Bergin C, Baxter L, Binette M, Chetty V, Cobbing S, Corbett C, Ibanez-Carrasco F, Kietrys D, Roos R, Solomon P, Harding R

(2020), Phys Ther, 100(11), 1906-9

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzaa142

Discharge destination and patient-reported outcomes after inpatient treatment for isolated lower limb fractures

Kimmel LA, Simpson PM, Holland AE, Edwards ER, Cameron PA, de Steiger RS, Page RS, Hau R, Bucknill A, Kasza J, Gabbe BJ

(2020), MED J AUSTRALIA, 212(6), 263-70

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50485

Characteristics and Outcomes of Critically Ill Trauma Patients in Australia and New Zealand (2005-2017)

Wilson, Anthony J.; Magee, Fraser; Bailey, Michael; Pilcher, David V.; French, Craig; Nichol, Alistair; Udy, Andrew; Hodgson, Carol L.; Cooper, D. James; Reade, Michael C.; Young, Paul; Bellomo, Rinaldo

(2020), CRIT CARE MED, 48(5), 717-724.

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004284

Long-Term Quality of Life After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in ARDS Survivors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Wilcox, M.Elizabeth; Jaramillo-Rocha, Valente; Hodgson, Carol; Taglione, Michael S.; Ferguson, Niall D.; Fan, Eddy

(2020), J INTENSIVE CARE MED, 35(3), 233-243.

DOI: 10.1177/0885066617737035