Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Elevated Serum Interleukin-1β Levels in Male, but not Female, Collision Sport Athletes with a Concussion History

O'Brien, William T; Symons, Georgia F; Bain, Jesse; Major, Brendan P; Costello, Daniel M; Sun, Mujun; Kimpton, Joshua S; Chen, Zhibin; Brady, Rhys D; Mychasiuk, Richelle; O'Brien, Terence John; Monif, Mastura; Shultz, Sandy R.; McDonald, Stuart

(2021), J NEUROTRAUM, 38(10), 1350-1357

DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7479

Immune cellular networks underlying recovery from influenza virus infection in acute hospitalized patients

Nguyen, Thi H.O.; Koutsakos, Marios; van de Sandt, Carolien E.; Crawford, Jeremy Chase; Loh, Liyen; Sant, Sneha; Grzelak, Ludivine; Allen, Emma K.; Brahm, Tim; Clemens, E. Bridie; Auladell, Maria; Hensen, Luca; Wang, Zhongfang; Nüssing, Simone; Jia, Xiaox

(2021), NAT COMMUN, 12(1), 2691

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23018-x

Neural activity during cognitive reappraisal in chronic low back pain

Ng, Sin Ki; Urquhart, Donna M.; Fitzgerald, Paul B.; Kirkovski, Melissa; Cicuttini, Flavia M.; Maller, Jerome J.; Enticott, Peter G.; Rossell, Susan L.; Fitzgibbon, Bernadette M.

(2021), Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 21(3), 586-596

DOI: 10.1515/sjpain-2020-0146

Examining resting-state functional connectivity in key hubs of the default mode network in chronic low back pain

Ng, Sin Ki; Urquhart, Donna M.; Fitzgerald, Paul B.; Cicuttini, Flavia M.; Kirkovski, Melissa; Maller, Jerome J.; Enticott, Peter G.; Rossell, Susan L.; Fitzgibbon, Bernadette M.

(2021), Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 21(4), 839-846

DOI: 10.1515/sjpain-2020-0184

Predictive Performance of a Polygenic Risk Score for Incident Ischemic Stroke in a Healthy Older Population

Neumann, Johannes T.; Riaz, Moeen; Bakshi, Andrew; Polekhina, Galina; Thao, Le T.P.; Nelson, Mark R.; Woods, Robyn L.; Abraham, Gad; Inouye, Michael; Reid, Christopher M.; Tonkin, Andrew M.; Williamson, Jeff D.; Donnan, Geoffrey A.; Brodtmann, Amy; Cloud,

(2021), STROKE, 52(9), 2882-2891

DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.033670

Effect of a resuscitation quality improvement programme on outcomes from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Nehme, Ziad; Ball, Jocasta; Stephenson, Michael; Walker, Tony; Stub, Dion; Smith, Karen

(2021), RESUSCITATION, 162, 236-244

DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.03.007

Attenuating PI3K/Akt- mTOR pathway reduces dihydrosphingosine 1 phosphate mediated collagen synthesis and hypertrophy in primary cardiac cells

Magaye, Ruth R.; Savira, Feby; Hua, Yue; Xiong, Xin; Huang, Li; Reid, Christopher; Flynn, Bernard L.; Kaye, David; Liew, Danny; Wang, Bing H.

(2021), INT J BIOCHEM CELL B, 134, 105952

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocel.2021.105952

A Cohort Study of Anticholinergic Medication Burden and Incident Dementia and Stroke in Older Adults

Lockery, Jessica E.; Broder, Jonathan C.; Ryan, Joanne; Stewart, Ashley C.; Woods, Robyn L.; Chong, Trevor T.J.; Cloud, Geoffrey C.; Murray, Anne; Rigby, Jason D.; Shah, Raj; Storey, Elsdon; Ward, Stephanie A.; Wolfe, Rory; Reid, Christopher M.; Collyer,

(2021), J GEN INTERN MED, 36(6), 1629–1637

DOI: 10.1007/s11606-020-06550-2

Substituting inpatient rehabilitation beds for home-based multidisciplinary rehabilitation

Kimmel, Lara A.; Burge, Angela; Watterson, Dina; Wolters, Catherine; Holland, Anne; Reed, Melanie; Hunter, Peter; Brookes, Belinda; Lee, Victoria; Leong, Ronald

(2021), AUSTRALAS J AGEING, 40(3), 275-282

DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12883

Early Sequential Microcirculation Assessment In Shocked Patients as a Predictor of Outcome

Holley, Anthony D.; Dulhunty, Joel; Udy, Andrew; Midwinter, Mark; Lukin, Bill; Stuart, Janine; Boots, Robert; Lassig-Smith, Melissa; Holley, Robert B.; Paratz, Jenny; Lipman, Jeffrey

(2021), SHOCK, 55(5), 581-586

DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001578

Advancing the Assessment of Mindfulness-Based Meditation Practice

Hassed, Craig; Flighty, Andrew; Chambers, Richard; Hosemans, Dominic; Bailey, Neil; Connaughton, Sherelle; Lee, Stuart; Kazantzis, Nikolaos

(2021), COGNITIVE THER RES, 45(1), 190-204

DOI: 10.1007/s10608-020-10150-z

An open-label, non-inferiority randomized controlled trial of lidocAine Versus Opioids In MyocarDial Infarction study (AVOID-2 study) methods paper

Fernando, Himawan; Milne, Catherine; Nehme, Ziad; Ball, Jocasta; Bernard, Stephen; Stephenson, Michael; Myles, Paul S.; Bray, Janet E.; Lefkovits, Jeffrey; Liew, Danny; Peter, Karlheinz; Brennan, Angela; Dinh, Diem; Andrew, Emily; Taylor, Andrew J.; Smith

(2021), CONTEMP CLIN TRIALS, 105, 106411

DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2021.106411

Effects of lignocaine vs. opioids on antiplatelet activity of ticagrelor

Fernando, Himawan; Duong, Thy; Huynh, Kevin; Noonan, Jonathan; Shaw, James; Duffy, Stephen J.; Nehme, Ziad; Smith, Karen; Myles, Paul S.; Meikle, Peter J.; Peter, Karlheinz; Stub, Dion

(2021), EUR HEART J, 42(39), 4025-4036

DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab557

The clinical utility of exome sequencing and extended bioinformatic analyses in adolescents and adults with a broad range of neurological phenotypes

Eratne, Dhamidhu; Schneider, Amy; Lynch, Ella; Martyn, Melissa; Velakoulis, Dennis; Fahey, Michael; Kwan, Patrick; Leventer, Richard; Mullen, Saul; Rafehi, Haloom; Chong, Belinda; Stark, Zornitza; Lunke, Sebastian; Phelan, Dean G; O’Keefe, Melanie; Siemer

(2021), J NEUROL SCI, 420, 117260

DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.117260

Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dawson, Luke P.; Dinh, Diem; O'Brien, Jessica; Duffy, Stephen J.; Guymer, Emma; Brennan, Angela; Clark, David; Oqueli, Ernesto; Hiew, Chin; Freeman, Melanie; Reid, Christopher M.; Ajani, Andrew E.; ,

(2021), AM J CARDIOL, 140, 39-46

DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2020.10.048

Prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in elective surgical patients in Australia

Coatsworth, Nicholas; Myles, Paul S.; Mann, Graham J.; Cockburn, Ian A.; Forbes, Andrew B.; Gardiner, Elizabeth E.; Lum, Gary; Cheng, Allen C.; Gruen, Russell L.; ,

(2021), ANZ J SURG, 91(1-2), 27-32

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16564

Adverse impact of chronic kidney disease on clinical outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention

Bloom, Jason E.; Dinh, Diem T.; Noaman, Samer; Martin, Catherine; Lim, Michael; Bachelor, Riley; Zheng, Wayne; Reid, Christopher; Brennan, Angela; Lefkovits, Jeffrey; Cox, Nicholas; Duffy, Stephen J.; Chan, William

(2021), CATHETER CARDIO INTE, 97(6), E801-E809

DOI: 10.1002/ccd.29436

The Myeloma Landscape in Australia and New Zealand: The First 8 Years of the Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry (MRDR)

Bergin, Krystal; Wellard, Cameron; Moore, Elizabeth; McQuilten, Zoe; Blacklock, Hilary; Harrison, Simon J.; Ho, P. Joy; King, Tracy; Quach, Hang; Mollee, Peter; Walker, Patricia; Wood, Erica; Spencer, Andrew; ,

(2021), CL LYMPH MYELOM LEUK, 21(6), e510-e520

DOI: 10.1016/j.clml.2021.01.016

Real-world utilisation of ASCT in multiple myeloma (MM)

Bergin, Krystal; Wellard, Cameron; Augustson, Bradley; Cooke, Rachel; Blacklock, Hilary; Harrison, Simon J.; Ho, Joy; King, Tracy; Quach, Hang; Mollee, Peter; Walker, Patricia; Moore, Elizabeth; McQuilten, Zoe; Wood, Erica; Spencer, Andrew; ,

(2021), BONE MARROW TRANSPL, 56(10), 2533-2543

DOI: 10.1038/s41409-021-01308-8

Structural brain alterations in older adults exposed to early-life adversity

Ancelin, Marie Laure; Carrière, Isabelle; Artero, Sylvaine; Maller, Jerome J.; Meslin, Chantal; Dupuy, Anne Marie; Ritchie, Karen; Ryan, Joanne; Chaudieu, Isabelle

(2021), PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO, 129, 105272

DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105272