Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Publication Details

Feeling the burn: when it looks like it hurts, and belongs to me, it really does hurt more

Giummarra MJ, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Verdejo-Garcia A, Gibson SJ

(2015), Conscious Cogn, 36, 314-26

Validation of an activity monitor in older inpatients undergoing slow stream rehabilitation

Raymond M, Winter A, Holland AE

(2015), J Phys Act Health, 12(9), 1298-303

Into the looking glass: broadening models to explain the spectrum of sensory and affective vicarious experiences

Giummarra MJ, Fitzgibbon BM

(2015), Cogn Neurosci, 6(2-3), 135-7

Symptoms of PTSD associated with painful and nonpainful vicarious reactivity following amputation

Giummarra MJ, Fitzgibbon BM, Tsao JW, Gibson SJ, Rich AN, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Chou M, Bradshaw JL, Alphonso AL, Tung ML, Drastal CA, Hanling S, Pasquina PF, Enticott PG

(2015), J Trauma Stress, 28(4), 330-8

Computer simulation of improvements in hospital length of stay for rehabilitation patients

New PW, Stockman K, Cameron PA, Olver JH, Stoelwinder JU

(2015), J Rehabil Med, 47(5), 403-11

Getting started in research: designing and preparing to conduct a research study

Macfarlane MD, Kisely S, Loi S, Macfarlane S, Merry S, Parker S, Power B, Siskind D, Smith G, Looi JC

(2015), Australas Psychiatry, 23(1), 12-5

Getting started in research: research questions, supervisors and literature reviews

Macfarlane MD, Kisely S, Loi S, Looi JC, Merry S, Parker S, Power B, Siskind D, Smith G, Macfarlane S

(2015), Australas Psychiatry, 23(1), 8-11

A guide to clinical research supervision for psychiatrists: a mentoring approach

Looi JC, Kisely S, Macfarlane MD, Siskind D, Smith G, Macfarlane S

(2015), Australas Psychiatry, 23(1), 25-8

Getting started in research: systematic reviews and meta-analyses

Kisely S, Chang A, Crowe J, Galletly C, Jenkins P, Loi S, Looi JC, Macfarlane MD, McVie N, Parker S, Power B, Siskind D, Smith G, Merry S, Macfarlane S

(2015), Australas Psychiatry, 23(1), 16-21

Polypharmacy and chronic pain: harm exposure is not all about the opioids

Giummarra MJ, Gibson SJ, Allen AR, Pichler AS, Arnold CA

(2015), Pain Med, 16(3), 472-9

Affective, sensory and empathic sharing of another's pain: the Empathy for Pain Scale

Giummarra MJ, Fitzgibbon BM, Georgiou-Karistianis N, Beukelman M, Verdejo-Garcia A, Blumberg Z, Chou M, Gibson SJ

(2015), Eur J Pain, 19(6), 807-16

How is physical activity monitored in people following stroke?

Fini NA, Holland AE, Keating J, Simek J, Bernhardt J

(2015), Disabil Rehabil, 37(19), 1717-31

Attitudes to obesity among rehabilitation health professionals in Australia

Wise FM, Harris DW, Olver JH

(2014), J Allied Health, 43(3), 162-8

The concurrent validity and responsiveness of the high-level mobility assessment tool for mobility limitations in people with multitrauma orthopedic injuries

Williams G, Hill B, Kahn M

(2014), PM R, 6(3), 235-40

The effectiveness of Pilates exercise in people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review

Wells C, Kolt GS, Marshall P, Hill B, Bialocerkowski A

(2014), PLoS One, 9(7), e100402

Should placebo be used routinely for chronic pain in older people?

Savvas SM, Zelencich LM, Gibson SJ

(2014), Maturitas, 79(4), 389-400

An evidence-based program to improve analgesic practice and pain outcomes in residential aged care facilities

Savvas SM, Toye CM, Beattie ER, Gibson SJ

(2014), J Am Geriatr Soc, 62(8), 1583-9

Treating pain in patients with impaired cognition

Savvas SM, Gibson SJ

(2014), Pain Manag, 4(5), 335-8

Assessing pain in people with dementia

Savvas SM, Gibson SJ

(2014), Pain Manag Today, 1(1), 38-40

International Spinal Cord Injury Data Sets for non-traumatic spinal cord injury

New PW, Marshall R

(2014), Spinal Cord, 52(2), 123-32