Physical care

Our Palliative Care team has compiled a series resources to help people caring for someone who is at the end of their life, at home.

Find out more about  palliative care  at Alfred Health.

Physical care

Websites & downloads

  • CarerHelp: Home Care Tips - these resources outline practical tips to deal with common care needs. They cover practical issues around the physical aspects of caring as well as providing templates and resources for use.


Protecting bedding

This video shows you how to fit a protective sheet and use a bed pan correctly.

By Central Grampians Palliative Care

Personal hygiene

This video shows you how to wash someone who is bed bound.

By Grampians Region Palliative Care

Personal hygiene

This video shows you how to give someone a bed bath.

By Canadian Virtual Hospice

Moving onto a bed

This video shows you how to move someone onto a bed with one person assisting.

By Grampians Region Palliative Care

Moving onto a bed

This video shows you how to move someone onto a bed with two people assisting.

By Grampians Region Palliative Care


This video shows you how to keep someone's mouth clean and comfortable.

By Hospice In The Weald

Helping with movement

This video shows you how to turn someone in bed.

By Canadian Virtual Hospice