Thank you for your feedback

We use your feedback to continually improve our performance.

Thank you for providing feedback to Alfred Health.

This reply confirms we have received your feedback.

If you have provided a compliment, we will forward your positive feedback to the area manager to share with relevant staff.

If your feedback relates to a concern, it will be forwarded to the relevant area manager to investigate and review. A response will be provided if requested.

Most concerns can be addressed in a few days, however more complex matters may take longer.

If you or your relative is currently in hospital and you are worried, please take the following steps;

  • Speak with the doctor or nurse looking after you/your relative and explain that you are worried.
  • If you do not feel that your concerns have been resolved, ask to speak with the Nurse in Charge

Alfred Health has a Let Me Know service, which you can call to if you are still concerned after talking with a member of staff. The number is 1800 901 445.

Have the room and bed number ready. You may be asked some questions to help us respond to your concerns.