Melbourne Sexual Health Centre research

The Centre maintains strong research and education activities through the Central Clinical School, Monash University and the Sexual Health Unit of the School of Population Health, University of Melbourne.

Collaboration with our partners provides opportunities for our staff and clients to access recent advances in sexually transmissible infection and HIV treatment and prevention. We continue to grow with effective partnerships operating locally, nationally and internationally.

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View our current and completed research studies.


HIV Testing and Diagnoses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Melbourne, Australia

Chow, Eric P.F.; Ong, Jason J.; Denham, Ian; Fairley, Christopher K.

(2021), JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF, 86(4), e114-e115

DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002604

Love during lockdown: findings from an online survey examining the impact of COVID-19 on the sexual health of people living in Australia

Coombe, Jacqueline; Kong, Fabian Yuh Shiong; Bittleston, Helen; Williams, Henrietta; Tomnay, Jane; Vaisey, Alaina; Malta, Sue; Goller, Jane L.; Temple-Smith, Meredith; Bourchier, Louise; Lau, Andrew; Chow, Eric P.F.; Hocking, Jane S.

(2021), SEX TRANSM INFECT, 97(5), 357-362

DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2020-054688

Ending AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region by 2030

Green, Kimberly; Schmidt, Heather Marie A.; Vallely, Andrew J.; Zhang, Lei; Kelly-Hanku, Angela; Janamnuaysook, Rena; Ong, Jason J.

(2021), SEX HEALTH, 18(1), 1-4

DOI: 10.1071/SH20226

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