Anaesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine research

The Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at The Alfred is one the largest in Australia, consisting of 29 full-time and over 50 visiting specialist anaesthesiologists, as well as 40 registrars in training.

Our partners


Dexamethasone and Surgical-Site Infection

Corcoran TB, Myles PS, Forbes AB, Cheng AC, Bach LA, O'Loughlin E, Leslie K, Chan MTV, Story D, Short TG, Martin C, Coutts P, Ho KM; PADDI Investigators; Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network; Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Network

(2021), NEW ENGL J MED, 384(18), 1731-41

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2028982

Systematic review of perioperative mortality risk prediction models for adults undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery

Reilly JR, Gabbe BJ, Brown WA, Hodgson CL, Myles PS

(2021), ANZ J Surg, 91(5), 860-70

DOI: 10.1111/ans.16255

Shared leadership in healthcare action teams

Janssens, Sarah; Simon, Robert; Beckmann, Michael; Marshall, Stuart Duncan

(2021), J PATIENT SAF, 17(8), e1441-e1451

DOI: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000503

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