Bolton Clarke (formerly Royal District Nursing Service)

Bolton Clarke seeks to ensure that clients receive a high level of general and specialised nursing care delivered by a highly qualified team of healthcare professionals.

Bolton Clarke care is based on a philosophy that the wellbeing of clients is enhanced by the client's choice to receive care in the comfort of their own home.

We also recognise that continuity of care between the hospital and home is an essential component in achieving positive health outcomes and promoting the wellbeing of clients.

Bolton Clarke is an independent, not for profit organisation jointly funded by the Federal and State Governments. We also depend on public donations and support. Bolton Clarke services are available to people with a genuine need for home nursing care, 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. 

Major services provided by Bolton Clarke:

  • Support and technical care to clients on HITH, PAC and other programs
  • Administration of medications
  • Wound management
  • Diabetes management
  • Continence management
  • Aged care
  • Support and rehabilitation
  • Palliative care
  • Specialist services in HIV/AIDS, stomal therapy, aged care and cystic fibrosis
  • Homeless Persons Program (HPP)
  • Allied health including social work, physiotherapy and music therapy
  • Personal care assessment and assistance

The Bolton Clarke Liaison Service, operating in all major public hospitals across Melbourne, provides the vital bridge for clients moving from the hospital setting back into their home.

Bolton Clarke Liaison Clinical Nurse Consultants work with the hospital staff and other health care services and providers to achieve best health outcomes for clients. This is achieved through:

  • providing community focussed nursing assessments for patients.
  • vollaborating with hospital staff for discharge planning. This includes discussion of patients' on-going needs and ensuring that all equipment, supplies and information has been provided prior to discharge.
  • participation in family case conferences.
  • co-ordinating admission to Bolton Clarke including the scheduling of home visits by specialist and general nursing staff.
  • advising of the need for other community services as needed, such as Home Help, Meals on Wheels.