Our Executive Team

Our Executive Team is responsible for operational decisions, the strategic direction of the health network and for reviewing performance. 

Mr Adam Horsburgh

Adam joined Alfred Health as Chief Executive in August 2024, bringing with him a deep understanding of healthcare across Victoria’s public sector.

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Prof Simone Alexander

Simone has more than 25 years’ experience in the healthcare sector.

As the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer at Alfred Health, her role is responsible for the management and performance of Alfred Health’s clinical operations.

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Prof Ged Williams

Ged has over 40 years in the healthcare sector and commenced in this role in March 2023.

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Ms Amy McKimm

As Chief Digital Health Officer, Ms McKimm is responsible for supporting Alfred Health through its digital transformation.

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Ms Jenny Walsh

As Executive Director, Strategy and Planning, Ms Walsh is responsible for ensuring Alfred Health has a clear future direction through our Strategic Plan.

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Mr Scott Cumbrae-Stewart

As Executive Director Finance/Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Scott is responsible for Alfred Health’s financial governance and helping to ensure the maximisation of, and optimal allocation of, the resources available to the organisation to best serve the public health of Victorians.

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Ms Laura Wilkinson

As Chief Experience Officer, Ms Wilkinson is responsible for driving Alfred’s Health commitment to both the employee and patient experience.

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Ms Ursula McGinnes

As Executive Director, Public Affairs & Communication, Ursula is responsible for external affairs, media relations, internal communications, community engagement, corporate communications as well as digital and creative services

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Dr Tony Kambourakis

As Chief Medical Officer, Tony’s areas of responsibility include Medical Workforce, Medical Education, the Clinical Governance Unit and Pharmacy.

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